Monday, December 04, 2006

If Mark Cuban were a sports editor

In this interview with Mark Cuban, billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, he discusses how he would improve today's sports sections.

Among his suggestions, he would "create gossip columnists for sports, but call them that rather than trying to pass them off as anything other than gossip columnists."

He thinks that readers want to read longer stories about their local teams. Short stories are perfect for online, but "sports sections is where you can go into the nuances of every game at a level the online sites don't."

"It's your job to find things your customers love and can't live without, but they don't know it yet. You never told anyone you needed a cellphone. Until they bought one, you had no idea. Give customers things they had no idea they wanted and couldn't live without."

He would also "do some negative advertising and create discussion and controversy."

My sources tell me he'll be at the Wizards game tonight, probably courtside cheering on his Mavericks. If I wasn't so damn busy blogging...



At 8:23 PM, Blogger Mark H. said...

That video is hilarious!


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