Monday, December 04, 2006

Article on "Mojos" and Hyper-Local News

There is an interesting article today in about Gannett's push toward hyper-local news, emphasis on the web first, and use of "mojos", "crowdsourcing" and other buzz-words we've covered in class.

The article also covers some ethical issues about reporters and "mojos" being used to pitch their news articles to possible sponsors (advertisers).

My thoughts about this article:

  1. If I become a "mojo" I have to buy a bigger car. Typing on a laptop from the cockpit of a Mazda Miata "ain't gonna work".

  2. I'm not sure I like the idea of becoming a marketer for my own news articles. Isn't that what free-lancers do?

  3. I like the idea of expert "crowdsourcing". Using the experience of reader experts makes sense, as long as there is someone to evaluate their competency as "experts".

What do you guys think (especially lurking Gannetters)?



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