Monday, December 18, 2006

Citizen journalism

This article seems to support a future wave of cell phone reporting.

This person was paid for the photo he submitted - is this ethically sound?

I don't know about you but I'm paying alot of money to learn journalism and this seems like a slap in the face. I would hate to think that I can't get a job because "citizens" are keeping the world informed.

Trinay Blake


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Mark H. said...

The idea of spending (and borrowing) all of this money is a little concerning no matter what, but is especially so when you see something that implies that you might be training for a profession that in some aspects might be obsolete by the time you graduate.

Although news organizations have always bought newsworthy photos, etc., from citizens/freelancers, the difference now is that the technology to take those photos is so widespread.

But even with all the citizen-generated content, there's still going to be a need for professional content based on research held to professional standards, I think. There's also always going to be a need for someone to be a "gatekeeper" to decide what's going to be presented and how it's presented.

I think that without this degree, we'd be in trouble. But with this degree and the training we're receiving through this program, we'll definitely have a leg up.

--Ken C.


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